Thursday 4 August 2011

♥ Just a little bit Hungry

As kids, we may have gotten the wrong idea from our parents and possibly even tv.  You’ve seen or been the kid that got punished by going to bed without dinner.  So as adults, we associate being hungry at night as some sort of twisted punishment.  However, when you are trying to lose weight or body fat you must be eating less then you burn.  Sometimes, eating less then you burn leaves you hungry late at night.  When that happens, our internal child responds in a negative way; fighting all our weight loss efforts. 

The best way to lose weight is by not over consuming calories late at night when we are moving less.  These extra calories could store as body fat (especially in the stomach and hip areas).  If you want to keep hunger away at night, but you need some sort of comfort food; then try having a chocolate protein shake at night.  If you hate having something cold at night then try warming up some milk and some water and then mixing it in.  This creates a hot chocolate drink that is low in calories, fat, and high in protien.  This will keep you full and satisfied.
Adria Ali (CES, PES, CPT,  BS)

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